I'm using the dot notation for querying a nested mongo doc. However I want this query to be dynamically generated.
For eg The nesting is as
{ "Car":
{ "Model": "Some val"
Year : "Some year"
If I perform a query like db.carcoll.find({'Car.Make.Model':'some val'}) I get the results. However this query string 'Car.Make.Model' could change to be Car.Make.Year and I like this query to be dynamic.
I set it in a variable and try something like query='Car.Make' + choice; where choice is a variable its either ".Model" or ".Year"
and run db.carcoll.find({query:"1989"})
I don't get the results in this case. How do I handle this
Not tested it, just thoughts. Did you tried this code:
var prop = "Car.Make." + "Model" //or ""Year"
var query = {};
query[prop] = "1989";