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Java - Hibernate calling a MySql Stored Procedure - Warning Message

I have a Java project where I call a stored procedure using hibernate.

Here is sample code I am using

  public String findCloudName(Long cloudId) {"Entered findCloudName Method - cloudId:{}", cloudId);

        String cloudName  = null;
        ProcedureCall  procedureCall = currentSession().createStoredProcedureCall("p_getCloudDetails");
        procedureCall.registerParameter( "cloudId", Long.class, ParameterMode.IN ).bindValue( cloudId );
        procedureCall.registerParameter( "cloudName", String.class, ParameterMode.OUT );

        ProcedureOutputs  outputs = procedureCall.getOutputs();

        cloudName = (String) outputs.getOutputParameterValue( "cloudName" );"Exiting findCloudName Method - cloudName:{}", cloudName);
        return cloudName; 

This works fine and results the expected results. However It leaves the following message in my logs

[WARN] [320]org.hibernate.procedure.internal.ProcedureCallImpl[prepareForNamedParameters]  - HHH000456: Named parameters are used for a callable statement, but database metadata indicates named parameters are not supported.

I was looking through websites and the source code of hibernate to try and figure out how to get rid of this warning

Any help is greatly appreciated

Cheers Damien


  • It's related to the correction of HHH-8740 :

    In some cases, the database metadata is incorrect (i.e., says something is not supported, when it actually is supported). In this case it would be preferable to simply log a warning. If it turns out that named parameters really are not supported, then a SQLException will be thrown later when the named parameter is bound to the SQL statement.

    So, the warning warn you from calling a method that queries metadata on named parameters.