I have a set of code that searches for a person of a particular height that the user selects in a combo box, after which removes all the subjects that don't match in a list. The values for the combo box are like this: 5'0-5'5
. My problem is the apostrophes in the 5'0-5'5
are throwing up errors. Here is my code
If ComboBox5.Value <> "" Then
i = 0
Do While i <= ListBox26.ListCount - 1
Set CheckHeight = objDom.SelectSingleNode("//IDNum/LastName[@LName = '" _
& LastName.Text & "']/FirstName[@FName='" & FirstName.Text _
& "']/DateOfBirth[@DOB='" & Dob.Text & "']/Height[.='" _
& ComboBox5.Value & "']")
If CheckHeight Is Nothing Then
ListBox26.RemoveItem (i)
i = i + 1
End If
The XML looks like this:
<LastName LName="Rodriguez Jesus Luis">
<FirstName FName="Armondo">
<DateOfBirth DOB="7/10/1975">
<Weight>150 - 175 lbs</Weight>
<Height>5'6 - 5'9</Height>
I have tried replacing one apostrophe "'" with two "''", tried Chr(39), tried '
but still errors.
I can get it to work if I use getElementsByTagName
and write a bunch more code to compare and remove, but I was hopping to use the above code as it works with other all the other fields I am using.
The error I am getting is:
Expected token ']' found 'NUMBER'.
//IDNum/LastName[@LName = 'Rodriguez Jesus Luis']/FirstName[@FName='Armondo']/DateOfBirth[@DOB='7/10/1975']/Height[.='5'-->0<-- - 5'3']
Use double quotes around the string that may contain single quotes. In VBScript nested double quotes in strings are escaped by doubling them:
Set CheckHeight = objDom.SelectSingleNode("//IDNum/LastName[@LName = '" & _
LastName.Text & "']/FirstName[@FName='" & FirstName.Text & _
"']/DateOfBirth[@DOB='" & Dob.Text & _
"']/Height[.=""" & ComboBox5.Value & """]")
^^ ^^
As a side note, your data format is seriously messed up. Your entire hierarchy should rather be attributes of the same node:
<Person LastName="Rodriguez Jesus Luis"
Weight="150 - 175 lbs"
Height="5'6 - 5'9"