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How should I write a unit test forJavaScript frontend service that uses promise with Karma, Mocha and Sinon

Trying to test some services I'm writing that interact with a 3rd party API and wondering how to test it efficiently.

I have the next method:

    function getMemberProfile(memberId) {

        //Make sure memberId is defined and that it is a number
        if (!isNaN(memberId)) {
            return Client.authorizedApiRequest('/members/' + memberId).get();
        return Promise.reject(new Error('Proper memberId was not supplied'));

When Client.authorizedApiRequest('/members/' + memberId).get() calls a 3rd party API and returns a Promise that resolves to some Object (i.e. {id:12,name:'John Doe'}).

So, how should I test the getMemberProfile function? I was thinking about mocking out the Client.authorizedApiRequest("some params").get() with sinon but I can't get it working.



  • OK, got it working. First you'll need to install chai. Then, in your spec file:

    beforeEach(function () {
        fakeMember = {
            member: {
                id: 10002,
                first_name: 'John',
                last_name: 'Doe'
    it('should get a member\'s profile by memberId', function () {
            sinon.stub(Client, 'authorizedApiRequest').withArgs('/members/' +{
                get: function () {
                    return Promise.resolve(fakeMember);
            return Members.getMemberProfile( (response) {
                expect(response.member)'first_name', fakeMember.member.first_name);
                expect(response.member)'last_name', fakeMember.member.last_name);