Search code examples

want command lines .bat to search in all files in c:\ and if exist virus.bat deleted and do some code ELSE do another

want command lines .bat to search in all files in c:\ and if exist virus.bat

 Del  virus.bat
set /a viruses=%viruses%+1
echo Yoy are infected! The infected files ware deleted  !!
goto Start


echo Your computer is clean!
goto Start

i look in many web sites and got nothing ! :(


  • del /? could help. Then, use

    del /F /S c:\virus.bat &echo Your computer is clean!
    goto Start

    Output examples (another drive):

    ==>del /F /S d:\virus.bat &echo Your computer is clean!
    Deleted file - d:\bat\virus.bat
    Deleted file - d:\temp\virus.bat
    Your computer is clean!
    ==>del /F /S d:\virus.bat &echo Your computer is clean!
    Could Not Find d:\virus.bat
    Your computer is clean!

    (In respond to your comment). The effect is the same: your computer could be clean as soon as infected files were deleted... :) However, if you do insist on exact wording, start with

    set "virusfound="
    for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /S "c:\virus.bat"') do (
       set "virusfound=%%G"
       del /F "%%~G"
    if defined virusfound (
        echo virus found, did an attempt to delete it
    ) else (
        echo virus not found

    Resources (required reading):