How do I import the exported OSGi service that's a Singleton bean?
I end up getting the Exception as follows:
Unable to start blueprint container for bundle opaClient
org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to find a matching constructor on class com.opa.gateway.OPAGateway for arguments [] when instantiating bean opaGateway
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BeanRecipe.getInstance(
My Blueprint xml where the service is exported is as follows:
<bean id="opaGateway" class="com.opa.gateway.OPAGateway" factory-method="getInstance"/>
<service ref="opaGateway" interface="com.opa.gateway.IOPAGateway" />
And the service is referenced in another bundle as follows:
<reference interface="com.opa.gateway.OPAGateway" component-name="opaGateway" availability="mandatory" />
Is there a way to directly reference a singleton bean that's a OSGi service?
Yes, you can reference a singleton which is an OSGi service. Make sure (as @Balazs suggested) that your class has a static function/method getInstance()
with no arguments.
Have a look at the blueprint below. Hope it gives you a clue... (If you need the complete sample I can try to post it.
<bean id="opaGateway"
class="org.test.OPAGateway" factory-method="getInstance">
<bean id="opaClient"
<service ref="opaGateway" interface="org.test.IOPAGateway" />
<reference interface="org.test.IOPAGateway" availability="optional">
<reference-listener bind-method="setOPAGateway"
<ref component-id="opaClient"/>
bean opaGateway (org.test.OPAGateway). It is a class implementing org.test.IOPAGateway
. It is instantiated by static method getInstance()
public class OPAGateway implements IOPAGateway {
private static OPAGateway instance = null;
public static OPAGateway getInstance () {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new OPAGateway();
return instance;
// A very simple method...
public String printMessage() {
bean: opaClient: It is just a consumer or the class that references the opaGateway:
public class OPAClient {
public void setOPAGateway(IOPAGateway c) {
if(c != null) {
System.out.println("Message: " + c.printMessage());
public void unsetOPAGateway(IOPAGateway c) {
The reference-listener: Injects the instance of opaGateway
in the opaClient
using the bind/unbind-method.
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