I'm using Mongoose Middleware in my MEAN.JS application for searching.
I want to search a word with Moongose Middleware keyword option for the fields: tags.text, description and spot.name
filters = {
filters : {
mandatory : {
exact : {
municipality: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.user.municipality.id)
keyword : {
fields: ['tags.text','description','spot.name'],
For the fields tags.text and description is working.
But the field "spot" is a ObjectID, not a document field, and I'm doing a population, and it's working, but don't works the field spot.name in keyword option...
Any suggestion?
.populate({path: 'spot', select: 'name image likes location'})
.populate({path: 'user', select: 'displayName imageProfile'})
.page(pagination,function(err, trainings){
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err)
} else {
Maybe isn't a elegant solution, but the only that I found for the moment.
First I searched the Spot with the word, and then, searched the Training using a filter like this:
exact:{spot: spotThatIFoundId}