Sometimes my dovecot log return:
service(imap-login): process_limit (512) reached, client connections are being dropped
I can increase process_limit
in dovecot config file, but i dont understand, how will it affect the system.
How to diagnose why process limit is too high? I have around 50 users in my postfix+dovecot+roundcube system.
My configuration:
Dovecot have two modes for login processes.
First is called secure mode
when each client is connected via its own process.
Second is called performance mode
when single process serve all the clients.
In fact performance mode
is not so insecure, but rather secure mode
is paranoid.
You have to set desired mode in the config:
service imap-login {
inet_listener imap {
port = 143
inet_listener imaps {
port = 993
ssl = yes
# service_count = 0 # Performance mode
service_count = 1 # Secure mode
process_min_avail = 1
In my case performance mode serve to 1k+ users.