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Xcode 6 localization failed to read a strings file

Xcode fails to generate xliff localization file with error localization failed to read a strings file. Please check the system log for more details. Does anyone know where do I find these logs? It's Xcode 6.3.2 GM but I've tried the 6.3.1 version as well. With 6.3.1. the error is on specific file but inside that file isn't nothing unusual. Furthermore I've tried to remove that file but I'm getting the same error although the file isn't there anymore. Does anyone idea why?


  • Well at last, I have solved that by removing all NSLocalizedString macros from code because the xliff exporter looks into code for them and based on results he looks for a strings files. The odd thing is that he scans comments too, so simply comment unwanted NSLocalizedString macros won't help.