I found these mysterious lines in ISO 7816, (http://www.cardwerk.com/smartcards/smartcard_standard_ISO7816-4_5_basic_organizations.aspx#chap5_4):
5.4.2 Instruction byte
The instruction byte INS of a command shall be coded to allow transmission with any of the protocols defined in part 3 of ISO/IEC 7816. Table 10 shows the INS codes that are consequently invalid.
Table 10 - Invalid INS codes
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning x x x x x x x 1 Odd values 0 1 1 0 x x x x '6X' 1 0 0 1 x x x x '9X'
I understand that I cannot use 6X or 9X as INS byte (because of T=0 compatibility?).
However, I have no idea why I cannot use odd values... Should this work as a kind of an error detection mechanism (although I see no reason, because it just means we should use only 7 most significant bits of INS byte, so the least significant bit carries no information at all)?
Could it really cause any troubles in real world deployment? Have you ever met any cards/readers/tools which were not working correctly with odd INS bytes?
I am going to answer my own question after some research. My problem was an old ISO7816-3 standard as Guidot mentioned in his comment. According to current ISO7816-3 and ISO7816-4 odd INS codes are valid. The only invalid INS values according to current ISO are 6X and 9X.
The reason why some INS codes are invalid is the old T=0 protocol (used by a lot of todays Gemalto SIM cards). So if your applet is not supposed to work on cards with T=0 protocol, you can use whatever INS code you like.
Sending one data unit in T=0 protocol works this way:
... wait for the next procedure byte
or 9X
... finish, this procedure byte is the first byte of status word (SW1)
... send the next byte of the data part
INS xor 0xFF
... send all the remaining bytes of the data part
... send the next byte of the data part and turn on the additional voltage (VPP)
(INS+1) xor 0xFF
... send all the remaining bytes of the data part and turn on the additional voltage (VPP)
This is why INS codes must not have been odd according to the old standard (terminal device would not be able to decide what the last procedure byte means). However, VPP has not been used since 1990, that is why bold procedure bytes are not used anymore and they are not mentioned it the last version of the ISO standard.
The conclusion is you can use only 6XXX or 9XXX status words and you cannot use 6X or 9X INS codes when working with "old" T=0 protocol. Odd INS codes are OK, although they were not OK in the past. If you use T=1 protocol only, you do not have to take care at all.