Hi StackOverflow Community,
I would like to ask if there's a way to copy the files which are rated using a Windows Batch Job (.bat).
The files are photos, and some were rated in-camera. When all of these files (rated and unrated) are copied to my hard drive, I would like to let the batch job automatically copy out the files that are rated into another folder.
I know that my computer has no problem viewing the ratings as when I view the Properties of the rated files, a number of stars are displayed in it.
Any help is much appreciated, and thank you in advanced =)
Check tooltipinfo.bat.If the passed item is rated it will have in the output something like :
Rating: 5 Stars
so you need the tooltipinfo.bat in your directory.Then create batch file like :
(not tested)
@echo off
set folder_with_the_items=C:\photos_and_videos
set destination_folder=C:\somewhere_else
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir /a:-d /b /s "%folder_with_the_items%\*"') do (
call tooltipinfo.bat "%%~fa" | find /i "Rating:" >nul 2>nul && (
copy "%%~fa" "%destination_folder%"
As you'll need to change the folder locations at the beginning of the script.