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Is there a way to do this with better "in place" methods?

This is a simple approximation to the Biot-Savart law.

I've implemented the integral(sum) in the function calc(),

If the number of spatial points is big, say 10^7 or 10^8 -ish, can calc be written to use NumPy arrays more efficiently? Thanks for your suggestions!

def calc(points, x_seg, idl_seg):

    r = points[:, None, :] - x_seg[None, :, :]             # START CALCULATION

    bottom = ((r**2).sum(axis=-1)**1.5)[...,None]     # 1/|r|**3 add axis for vector

    top = np.cross(idl_seg[None,:,:], r)                  # np.cross defaults to last axis

    db = (mu0 / four_pi) * top / bottom

    b = db.sum(axis=-2)               # sum over the segments of the current loop

    return b

EDIT: So for example, I can do this. Now there are just two arrays (r and hold) of size nx * ny * nz * nseg * 3. Maybe I should pass smaller chunks of points at a time, so it can all fit in cache at once?

def calc_alt(points, x_seg, idl_seg):

    r = points[:, None, :] - x_seg[None, :, :]             

    hold = np.ones_like(r)*((r**2).sum(axis=-1)**-1.5)[...,None]  # note **-1.5 neg

    b = (hold * np.cross(idl_seg[None,:,:], r)).sum(axis=-2)

    return b * (mu0 / four_pi)

The rest of the code is posted to show how calc is used.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pi, four_pi  = np.pi,  4. * np.pi
mu0          = four_pi * 1E-07 # Tesla m/A exact, defined
r0           = 0.05   # meters
I0           = 100.0  # amps
nx, ny, nz = 48, 49, 50

x,y,z = np.linspace(0,2*r0,nx), np.linspace(0,2*r0,ny), np.linspace(0,2*r0,nz) 
xg = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, 3))  # 3D grid of position vectors
xg[...,0] = x[:, None, None]   # fill up the positions
xg[...,1] = y[None, :, None]
xg[...,2] = z[None, None, :]
xgv = xg.reshape(nx*ny*nz, 3)  # flattened view of spatial points

nseg = 32   # approximate the current loop as a set of discrete points I*dl 
theta = np.linspace(0, 2.*pi, nseg+1)[:-1]  # get rid of the repeat

xdl = np.zeros((nseg, 3))   # these are the position vectors
idl = np.zeros((nseg, 3))   # these are the current vectors

xdl[:,0],  xdl[:,1] = r0 * np.cos(theta),   r0 * np.sin(theta)
idl[:,0],  idl[:,1] = I0 * -np.sin(theta),  I0 * np.cos(theta)

b = calc(xgv, xdl, idl)           # HERE IS THE CALCULATION

bv = b.reshape(nx, ny, nz, 3)     # make a "3D view" again to use for plotting

bx, by, bz = bv[...,0], bv[...,1], bv[...,2]  # make component views

bperp = np.sqrt(bx**2 + by**2)  # new array for perp field

zround = np.round(z, 4)
iz = 5     # choose a transverse plane for a plot
fields    = [ bz,   bperp,   bx,   by]
names     = ['Bz', 'Bperp', 'Bx', 'By']
titles = ["approx " + name + " at z = " + str(zround[iz])
          for name in names]

for i, field in enumerate(fields):
    print i
    plt.subplot(2, 2, i+1)
    plt.imshow(field[..., iz], origin='lower')  # fields at iz don't use Jet !!!

The plotting at the end is just to see that it appears to be working. In reality, never use the default colormap. Bad, awful, naughty Jet! In this case, a divergent cmap with symmetric vmin = -vmax might be good. (see Jake VanderPlas' post, and the matplotlib documentation, and there's some lovely demos down here.


  • I have just run across np.numexpr which does (among other things) what I suggested in the edit - breaks the arrays into "chunks" so that they can fit into cache, including all temporary arrays needed to evaluate expressions.

    There are nice explanations here and especially in this wiki.