I am trying to remove polylines in my google map. I have defined a function that adds polylines between two points as follows:
public void addPolylineBetweenTwoPoint(LatLng point1, LatLng point2, int color) {
PolylineOptions path = new PolylineOptions()
.zIndex(10); // Closes the polyline.
path.add(point1, point2);
polyline = map.addPolyline(path);
// polyline.remove();
Now, in my program, I am doing as follows:
addPolylineBetweenTwoPoint(startingPointCoordinates, nearestStartingPoint.coordinates, Color.BLUE);
The problem is that when I am calling polyline.remove() after my function, it is not working and does not remove the polyline. But if I uncomment polyline.remove(); statement in my function, then the polyline is removing correctly. Since my polyline object is same, therefore the polyline should be removed in both cases. But I do not know what is the problem.
Moreover, I already have declared polyline and map objects in my class as follows:
public Polyline polyline;
private GoogleMap map;
The procedure for removing specific polyline is described here: