I have a limited knowledge about c++. I tried to compile a c++ library and when I run the make file for the following header file
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
// intrinsic shape and (reduced) shear just add?
//#define WLNOISE
// use shear instead of reduced shear for model
//#define NOREDSHEAR
/// parameters for the M200-concentration relation
const number mcreal[2] = {9.59,-0.102}; // Dolag et al. (2004)
//const number mcreal[2] = {5.26,-0.100}; // Neto et al. (2007) [Millenium Run]
/// critical density at z=0 (h100=1) in [Msun/Mpc^3]
const number rhocrit = exp(log(rhoCrit)+3.*log(Mpc)-log(Msun));
/// two extra halo parameters: r200 (and concentration: 2)
#define PARAMS 1
/// define region (square; twice value here) about halo that considers sources for model
#define REGION 10.0*arcmin
class mcmc_dhs : public mcmc
mcmc_dhs() :
data(), cosmohandler(0.3,0.7,0.21,0.8,0.04),
lenseff(), intrvar()
boundaries =
~mcmc_dhs() {}
/// size of grid for looking up sources
static const int Ngrid = 200;
It returns the following error message:
mcmc_dhs.h:55:67: warning: extended initializer lists only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 [enabled by default]
boundaries = {{0,512},{0,512},{0.01,5.},{100.,3000.},{0.1,50}};
mcmc_dhs.h:55:17: error: assigning to an array from an initializer list
boundaries = {{0,512},{0,512},{0.01,5.},{100.,3000.},{0.1,50}};
In file included from ../modules/matrix.h:15:0,
from ../modules/probdensity.h:4,
from ../modules/mcmc.h:4,
from mcmc_dhs.h:4,
You cannot assign directly to an array after its declaration. Basically your code is the same as
int main()
double arr[2][2];
arr = { {1, 2}, {3, 4.5} }; // error
You have to either assign the value at declaration
double arr[2][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4.5} };
or use a loop (or std::copy
) to assign elements. Since your array seems to be a member variable, you can also initialize it in the constructor initialization list:
mcmc_dhs() : data(), cosmohandler(0.3,0.7,0.21,0.8,0.04),
lenseff(), intrvar(),
// rest of ctor implementation