I have this DatabaseSeeder.php:
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder {
* Run the database seeds.
* @return void
public function run()
I have this file MemberInvitationSeeder.php, sibling to the DatabaseSeeder.php file
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use App\MemberInvitation;
class MemberInvitationSeeder extends Seeder {
public function run()
MemberInvitation::create( [
'id' => 'BlahBlah' ,//com_create_guid(),
'partner_id' => 1,
'fisrt_name' => 'Thats',
'last_name' => 'Me',
'email' => 'me@mymail.com',
'mobile_phone' => '444-342-4234',
'created_at' => new DateTime
] );
Now I call
php artisan db:seed
and I get:
Class MemberInvitationSeeder does not exist
I tried everything I could find including "composer dump-autoload". to no avail. What am I doing wrong?
I believe I know the reason now.
The new class MemberInvitationSeeder wasn't in the autoloaded classes in the composer.json file.
It wasn't there because I added that class manually.
Now, going forward, if I add such classes again, what should I use in order for my class to automatically to the autoloader?