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How can I use ring anti-forgery / CSRF token with latest version ring/compojure?

I copied some old code that was working in compojure 1.1.18 and other old libs, but using the latest versions I can't get it to work.

Here's my minimal example code copied from the minimal example here to demonstrate that with latest ring and compojure libraries, I get an error when I send an http POST, even with the header set.

lein ring server to start it, then do

curl -X GET --cookie-jar cookies "http://localhost:3000/" which results in something like this:


But when I do this

curl -X POST -v --cookie cookies -F "" --header "X-CSRF-Token: 7JnNbzx8BNG/kAeH4bz1jDdGc7zPC4TddDyiyPGX3jmpVilhyXJ7AOjfJgeQllGthFeVS/rgG4GpkUaF" http://localhost:3000/send

I get <h1>Invalid anti-forgery token</h1>

Am I doing something wrong?

The code I borrowed was intended to answer this question.


  • The problem was that ring-defaults (which replaces the compojure.handler namespace in compojure >= 1.2) automatically uses ring anti-forgery in the usual mode of use:

    (defroutes app-routes
      (GET "/" [] (generate-string {:csrf-token
      (POST "/send" [email] "ok")
      (resources "/")
      (not-found "Not Found"))
    (def app
      (-> app-routes
       (wrap-defaults site-defaults)))

    So two anti-forgery tokens were being generated and the GET request provided the invalid one. Removing the wrap-anti-forgery line fixed the problem.