I have a SplitViewController
with a UITableViewController
as the masterViewController and a UIViewController
as the detailViewController.
When the user taps a cell, I need to push to a new UITableViewController
. So I added a segue from the cell to a UITableViewController
. But what happens is the UITableViewController
gets added to the masterViewController's stack.
How can I push to a whole new UITableViewController
from the masterViewController?
I got it! First I should mention Michal's answer helped me to get an idea and point me in the right direction so thanks to him.
What I did was simple actually. Before I had a View Controller with a container view embedding the split view controller. I simply went ahead and embedded that view controller in a navigation controller.
Then I added the view controller I want to segue to in the storyboard but no segue attached to it. I'm doing it programatically in the masterViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath method.
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
if let rootVC = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle())
let mapVC = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MapVC") as! UIViewController
rootVC.showViewController(mapVC, sender: nil)
I get a reference to the rootViewController which is a navigation controller through the AppDelegate and I push the new view controller I want to it's stack.
That's it! Here's a demo project in case anyone's interested.