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How to define a directive in gulp-angular-generator using typescript

I'm using the Yeoman generator gulp-angular-generator to create an Angular 1.3 project using Typescript. The seed project shows how to create a controller but not a directive. Here is my failed attempt so far:


/// <reference path="../../.tmp/typings/tsd.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="components/workspace/workspace.controller.ts" />
/// <reference path="components/dashboard/dashboard.directive.ts" />

module app {
  'use strict';

  angular.module('app', ['ngAnimate', 'ngCookies', 'ngTouch', 'ngSanitize', 'restangular', 'ngRoute', 'ui.bootstrap'])
    .controller('WorkspaceCtrl', WorkspaceCtrl)

    .config(function ($routeProvider: ng.route.IRouteProvider) {
        .when('/', {
          templateUrl: 'app/components/workspace/workspace.template.html',
          controller: 'WorkspaceCtrl',
          controllerAs: 'workspace'
          redirectTo: '/'


module app {
  'use strict';

  export class WorkspaceCtrl {
    //some code..


module app {
  'use strict';

    .directive('dashboard', () => {
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        controllerAs: 'dashboard',
        bindToController: true,
        scope: {},
        templateUrl: 'app/components/dashboard/dashboard.template.html',
        controller: DashboardCtrl

  class DashboardCtrl {
    //some code..

When I try to run this code I got the following error on the browser console (Chrome):

Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'app' is not available! You either 
misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure 
that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

Inspecting the browser source files, I realized that the directive file is being loaded before the index where the module definition is present.

I know I could define the entire directive inside index.ts the same way the controller is defined (as suggested by the gulp-generator), but that is not a good idea because the Directive Definition Objects (DDO) are usually large and once your app begins to grow it will become harder to maintain.

Is there a way to define a directive in a different file and instruct the generator to load the files in the proper order?


  • Try this

    module app {
      'use strict';
      export function dashboard(): ng.IDirective {
        return {
          restrict: 'E',
          controllerAs: 'dashboard',
          bindToController: true,
          scope: {},
          templateUrl: 'app/components/dashboard/dashboard.template.html',
          controller: DashboardCtrl

    Read more about how to write directives in typescript here: