Here is the mysql query:
ALTER TABLE wp_juices_members
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_juiceid FOREIGN KEY(juice_id) REFERENCES wp_juices(id)
All the tables, fields exist with the correct names as specified in the above query, and i still get this error:
"cannot add foreign key constraint"
Here are the DESC for the two tables:
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment
member_id int(11) YES NULL
juice_id int(11)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) NO NULL
UPDATE: Actually I figured it out, the fields being matched have to be same type, and adjectives like unsigned or not not null etc. Thanks everyone for help.
You might want to add a description of the table you are using just DESC table_name
then update your question.
the most common reason will be that the number of digit
in each of your column you want to link with a reference is different maybe INT(11) UNSIGNED
and INT(11) SIGNED
will create a big difference.