I've created a grid inside the tab using grid serializer using this tutorial. Then I've added a massaction to this grid using this tutorial.
Mass action block has appeared, but when I choose entities, choose massaction and click Submit, following error has been thrown to browser's console:
"ReferenceError: {gridId}_massactionJsObject is not defined"
Have anybody ever tried to add a mass action to the grid inside the tab? How to solve this error?
Instead of removing var in the abstract class just set the object to the window.
in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/widget/grid.phtml calls out to getAdditionalJavascript()
In your grid file add this function.
protected function getAdditionalJavascript() {
return 'window.{gridId}_massactionJsObject = {gridId}_massactionJsObject;';