I am new to angular and I'm trying to find a method of passing variables between controllers. I saw the best method of achieving this was by using a service, as shown here - AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?
However, this doesn't seem to be working with my code, as I will explain at the bottom.
Here is my service code,
app.service('loginService', function ($http) {
var loggedInUser = []
//If the login was successful this will be used
this.setLoginDetails = function(userDetails){
this.GetLoginUsername = function () {
return loggedInUser.Username;
And now my two controllers,
app.controller('loginController', function ($scope, $rootScope, loginService, $location, $window) {
$scope.authenticateLogin = function () {
// get record
var user = {
Username: $scope.username,
Password: $scope.password
var promisePost = loginService.post(user);
promisePost.then(function (result) {
var res = result.data;
//This is the important line
$window.location.href = loginPageUrl;
function (errorResult) {
console.log("Unable to log in : " + errorResult);
my Controller that is trying to retrieve the information that has been set,
app.controller('userController', function ($scope, userService, $window, $modal, loginService) {
// Get the current logged in user
$scope.LoggedInAs = loginService.GetLoginUsername();
The issue I am having is that the username is being correctly set with the first controller, but when I try to access that information with the second controller the value for loggedInUser in null so the value is not being saved between the controllers. What am I doing wrong?
var loggedInUser = []
is an array, so if you want to get username you will have to do loggedInUser[0].Username
and not loggedInUser.Username
this.GetLoginUsername = function () {
return loggedInUser[0].Username;
Also, as stated in comments either use ngRoute/uiRouter to change the page/url...