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Rmarkdown Slidy indented lists

I use Rmarkdown with slidy mostly. I like it because I can use html tags outside of r code chunks (perhaps it is do-able in other formats, no idea). However I run into trouble with indented lists.

title: "Test"
author: "Me"
date: "Today"

## Test Slide
 <li>One Bullet Point

This works like a charm.

Output (html):

 <div id="test-slide" class="slide section level2">
  <h1>Test Slide</h1>
  One Bullet Point


## Test Slide Indented
 <li>One Bullet Point
      <li>One Indented Bullet Point

Causes trouble. Output (html again):

<div id="test-slide-indented" class="slide section level2">
 <h1>Test Slide</h1>
 One Bullet Point
 <pre><code>  &lt;li&gt;One Indented Bullet Point</code></pre>

And thus "list within the list" appears as a code chunk rather than an indented list in the html document.


  • You have four spaces preceding the line with the list element. This means that pandoc will interpret that line as a code chunk. As far as I know there's no option to prevent this, so you will need to remove the indenting before the html tags.

    I will also point out that markdown supports nested lists so there's no need to use html tags in your example:

    - One bullet point
        + One indented bullet