I'm using this jquery time picker: http://jonthornton.github.io/jquery-timepicker/
which gives out of the box a dropdown on input, with hours incremented by 30 min, which is exactly what I need.
How can I disable all times before the current time in the time picker?
If, for example, current time is 04:10 PM, then all values before 04:30 should be disabled.
The API only provides this info:
disableTimeRanges Disable selection of certain time ranges. Input is an array of time pairs, like `[['3:00am', '4:30am'], ['5:00pm', '8:00pm']]. The start of the interval will be disabled but the end won't. default: []
Existing code:
var timeOptions = {
'timeFormat': 'h:i A'
try this:
function getCurrentTime(date) {
var hours = date.getHours(),
minutes = date.getMinutes(),
ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
hours = hours % 12;
hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
return hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
var timeOptions = {
'timeFormat': 'h:i A',
'disableTimeRanges': [['12am', getCurrentTime(new Date())]]
or you could use min time:
var timeOptions = {
'timeFormat': 'h:i A',
'minTime': getCurrentTime(new Date())