I have 3 child widgets of the main widget which are aimed to play video files(their sizes and positions are the same, I mean they are overlaying each other and at a time one of them is shown and others are hidden)
I also have a Qlabel with a transparent background that I created as a child of main widget as well. I raised this label in order to be shown over 3 video player widgets all the time. The code part of Qlabel is below:
labelCamName = new QLabel(this);
labelCamName->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0%);color: rgba(150, 30, 30, 90%)");
It works fine when the first video player widget that the label has been overlayed update itself(playing a video) but when it comes to change the widget playing video and show another widget to be played(not playing yet) that it shows a stationary black frame, the background of the label shows the last frame of the first video player widget. It doesn't pretend like it is a label with transparent backgroud, as shown by screenshots below:
Any suggestion why Im facing this issue and how to make the label work always transparent?
Thanks in advance. Very appreciated.
adding these attribute and flag to the desired Qlabel solved my problem.
labelCamName->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);