The Personal Income Tax of an employee is computed in bands having different percentage of the annual gross pay. The rate of tax for the first band (first 300,000.00) is 7%, 11% for the next band (next 300,000.00) and so on. Given an annual gross of 500,000.00 the total tax is (7% of 300,000.00 + 11% of 200,000.00). I have a rule with code TAXABLE_INCOME and wish to compute the Personal Income Tax. I need to define additional rules that depend on this rule.
The first rule condition type is range and depends on "rules.TAXABLE_INCOME" and has range 0.00 - 300,000.00 and the amount type is percentage and is based on "300000.00 if rules.TAXABLE_INCOME > 300000.00 else rules.TAXABLE_INCOME" and the percent is 7%.
Now the challenge is that when I try to compute a payslip I get an error that the range condition is wrong. What is the right way to define what the range condition/percentage value depend on? Do I need to assign to result as in the python code approach?
The salary bands can be summarized as a list [(LowerBound, UpperBound, PercentTax),]
The rule for a given band depends on: result = TAXABLE_INCOME > LowerBound
while the value can be computed using: result = ((UpperBound - LowerBound) if TAXABLE_INCOME > UpperBound else (TAXABLE_INCOME - LowerBound)) * PercentTax / 100
The most important discovery was that whereas the sample code refers to rules.NET
prepending rules.
to the rule id is an error. Hence, instead of rules.TAXABLE_INCOME