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Constructing a triangle based on Coordinates on a map

I'm constructing a geolocation based application and I'm trying to figure out a way to make my application realise when a user is facing the direction of the given location (a particular long / lat co-ord). I've got the math figured, I just have the triangle to construct.


So I've figured out a good bit of this...

Below is a method which takes in a long / lat value and attempts to compute a triangle finding a point 700 meters away and one to its left + right. It'd then use these to construct the triangle. It computes the correct longitude but the latitude ends up somewhere off the coast of east Africa. (I'm in Ireland!).

public void drawtri(double currlng,double currlat, double bearing){

    bearing = (bearing < 0 ? -bearing : bearing);

    System.out.println("RUNNING THE DRAW TRIANGLE METHOD!!!!!");
    System.out.println("CURRENT LNG" + currlng);
    System.out.println("CURRENT LAT" + currlat);
    System.out.println("CURRENT BEARING" + bearing);

    //Find point X(x,y)
    double distance = 0.7; //700 meters.
    double R = 6371.0; //The radius of the earth.
    //Finding X's y value.


    distance = distance/R;
    Global.Alat = Math.asin(Math.sin(currlat)*Math.cos(distance)+ 
    System.out.println("CURRENT ALAT!!: " + Global.Alat);
    //Finding X's x value.
    Global.Alng = currlng + Math.atan2(Math.sin(bearing)*Math.sin(distance)
            *Math.cos(currlat), Math.cos(distance)-Math.sin(currlat)*Math.sin(Global.Alat));

    //Co-ord of Point B(x,y)
    // Note: Lng = X axis, Lat = Y axis.
    Global.Blat = Global.Alat+ 00.007931;
    Global.Blng = Global.Alng;

    //Co-ord of Point C(x,y)
    Global.Clat = Global.Alat  - 00.007931;
    Global.Clng = Global.Alng;


From debugging I've determined the problem lies with the computation of the latitude done here..

 Global.Alat = Math.asin(Math.sin(currlat)*Math.cos(distance)+ 

I have no idea why though and don't know how to fix it. I got the formula from this site..

It appears correct and I've tested multiple things...

I've tried converting to Radians then post computations back to degrees, etc. etc.

Anyone got any ideas how to fix this method so that it will map the triangle ONLY 700 meters in from my current location in the direction that I am facing?



  • Problem was no matter what I piped in java would output in Radians, Trick was to change everything to Radians and then output came in radians, convert to degrees.