Despite so much advantages of swift lang, one of the reason I did not adopt swift code is its bad code completion support with Xcode.
Here are two scenarios to better describe my question.
Scene 1:
During daily app development, I may come across quite a few protocol methods. Take the following UITableViewDataSource method
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
for example, after typing
func tableView(tableView: UITableView,
, I will normally type [tab] key, but there are nothing to promote in swift lang.
while things go smoothly in Objective-C:
So most of the cases, I have to jump to UITableView(wait a 1-2 secs for Xcode to generate swift header), and copy the method needed, then paste it the place I was coding.
By the way, if you [command + left] the method pasted above, Xcode has no idea what the function is, and where it is defined.
Scene 2:
To tweak animation, I need to change a method to an alternative one with more args.
class func animateWithDuration(duration: NSTimeInterval, animations: () -> Void)
class func animateWithDuration(duration: NSTimeInterval, animations: () -> Void, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)
In Objective-C, I gonna stroke [tab] before the last closing parenthesis, everything works fine. When I do this in swift, just a tab(four blanks) will appear.
My questions are:
This is something I also despise while writing code in swift. There is no great way to do this, therefore you have to choose your method before you let it autocomplete.
For both scenario 1 and 2, you would have to type the first letters of tableView
and animateWithDuration
respectively, and use the up and down arrows to choose your method, and hit tab to finish the entire method.
The plus of swift is that it will automatically fill in func
or class func
, but after you fill in the methods, you can't add or remove parameters.
So far I can't find an easier way to do this. You'll have to wait for apple to improve their autocomplete.