I am initially starting recording with a specified Maximum Time Threshold.
AVCaptureMovieFileOutput* output;
//initialisations, other configurations...
//Here i am setting up my MaxDuration before starting recording.
[output setMaxRecordedDuration:CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(MY_MAX_LENGTH, 600)];
//Starting recording here
[output startRecordingToOutputFileURL:MY_FILE_URL recordingDelegate:self];
I need to change the Maximum Recording Time Threshold while recording is going on.
What i have tried so far:
[output setMaxRecordedDuration:kCMTimeInvalid];
I am calling the above line of code while recording is going on, but the recording stops at the previous MY_MAX_LENGTH
time mark and then after the recording is restarted the new Maximum duration kCMTimeInvalid
is set on the AVCaptureMovieFileOutput
Am i doing anything wrong here? Please point me into right direction.
Any Help is highly appreciated.
For achieving this, i used manual start-recording/stop-recording
technique (instead of Maximmum Time logic) using a timer and some flags.
I hope this helps anyone who is into the similar problem.