I'm writing python program to build mac-address cache using pcap. But pcap module for python has no good documentation. I have found this page http://pylibpcap.sourceforge.net/ with code example and it works fine.
Can anybody modify this example to make it able to show the source mac-address for each packet? Or point me to the documentation where I can read about it ...
Here is a code part where information about mac addresses were cut.
def print_packet(pktlen, data, timestamp):
if not data:
if data[12:14]=='\x08\x00':
print '\n%s.%f %s > %s' % (time.strftime('%H:%M',
timestamp % 60,
for key in ['version', 'header_len', 'tos', 'total_len', 'id',
'flags', 'fragment_offset', 'ttl']:
print ' %s: %d' % (key, decoded[key])
print ' protocol: %s' % protocols[decoded['protocol']]
print ' header checksum: %d' % decoded['checksum']
print ' data:'
First 14 octets in data are destination, source mac-addr and ether type.
I need to parse them to get this info. Task is done.
Google "Ethernet frame formats". The first 6 octets of a packet is the destination MAC address, which is immediately followed by the 6 octets of source MAC address.
This Wikipedia page may help.