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What is the DNVM?

I'm playing with the new Visual Studio Code editor, and created an ASP.NET 5 template project.

To restore the packages, I found in the tutorials that I need to run the dnu restore command, which gets all the server side references that I need.

After that, to build it I must run the dnx: web or kestrel command, and everything goes as expected.

But, what are those tools? In the Git repository of the DNVM we don't have much information about it.

Does the dnu restore uses NuGet?

Is there some complete documentation about all that in the new .NET?

I would like to know too if its possible to use the Roslyn compiler within Visual Studio Code on Windows 8.1.


  • You will find all of your answers at the official docs of ASP.NET 5. Here's the link:

    But let me just give you a briefly explanation:

    • DNX is a SDK and a runtime environment for creating .NET applications for Windows, Mac and Linux. Basically it allows the cross-platform development using the .NET 5 Core.
    • DNU is the .NET Development Utility. It allows you to build, package and publish projects created with DNX.
    • DNVM is the .NET Version Manager. It is basically a set of command line instructions which allow you to configure your .NET Runtime.