While running $ sails lift command , I am getting this error.
info: Starting app...
error: Trying to use unknown adapter, "sailspostgresql", in model `adminintro`.
error: Are you sure that adapter is installed in this Sails app?
error: If you wrote a custom adapter with identity="sailspostgresql", it should be in this app's adapters directory.
error: Otherwise, if you're trying to use an adapter named `sailspostgresql`, please run `npm install sails-sailspostgresql@0.10.x`
Please help me out guys ...
Got the answer ... It was unicode mistake . I have copy n pasted the code for local.js from one of my coworker's pdf file. So when I pasted that code in my local.js "-" was replaced with some unicode http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00AD/index.htm .. and that was causing this issue..