I have a custom control that is using a datasource to fetch items (as an NSTableView would do). The datasource can return Any-type, as long as it's hashable. The items are used as a key in a private dictionary.
The control (custom view) is added to the UI in interface builder.
I run into problems when I am querying the datasource with a nil parameter because nil is not convertible to hashable.
What is the proper way to do this?
protocol DataSourceProtocol
func numberOfChildrenOfItem<Item: Hashable>(item: Item?) -> Int
func child<Item: Hashable>(index: Int, ofItem item: Item?) -> Item
class MyControl : NSControl
var dataSource : DataSourceProtocol!
func reloadData()
//using string as an example of a hashable
let countA = dataSource.numberOfChildrenOfItem("item") // ok
let countB = dataSource.numberOfChildrenOfItem(nil) // not ok
let childA = dataSource.child(0, ofItem: "item") //ok
let childB = dataSource.child(0, ofItem: nil) //not ok
func reloadChildren<Item: Hashable>(item: Item)
Use NSNull()
to get a null object, which you can then compare to another NSNull()
to see if its empty or not.