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VBA lookup for approximate value

I want to perform a special VLookup where the value which is found would match two conditions:

  1. The invoice number must be the same
  2. The value found from Column G must be within the tolerance -100 to 100

Precisely speaking, if the first value found from Column G (e.g. -18,007) for invoice number '12345678' does not match the 2nd criteria (e.g. -18,007 + 10,000 = -8,007), -8,007 is outside the tolerance, so go to find the next value for '12345678', until it matches the 2nd criteria. Is that possible?


Below is my script:

Sub MyVlookup()

    Dim lastrow As Long
    lastrow = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set myrange = Range("D:G")

    For i = 2 To lastrow

        Cells(i, 10) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Cells(i, 2), myrange, 4, False)

        'This following line is to test the value found is within the tolerance -100 to 100
        If (Cells(i, 10) + Cells(i, 1)) >= 100 Or (Cells(i, 10) + Cells(i, 1)) <= -100 Then

            Cells(i, 10).Value = "False" '<----I want to change this line to Lookup the next invoice number in Column D of table2

        Else: Cells(i, 10) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Cells(i, 2), myrange, 4, False)

        End If

    Next i

End Sub


The final output I want: Output

Below is the script working with my amendments, but need to be checked:

Sub MyVlookup2()

    Dim myrange As Range
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastrow2 As Long  
    Dim diff As Double
    Const tolerance As Long = 100
    Set myrange = Range("D:G")
    lastrow = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastrow2 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    For i = 2 To lastrow
    For j = 2 To lastrow2
         If Cells(i, 2).Value = Cells(j, 4).Value Then
            diff = Cells(i, 1).Value + Cells(j, 7).Value
               If diff <= tolerance And diff >= -tolerance Then
                  Cells(i, 9).Value = Cells(j, 4).Value
                  Cells(i, 10).Value = Cells(j, 5).Value
                  Cells(i, 11).Value = Cells(j, 6).Value
                  Cells(i, 12).Value = Cells(j, 7).Value
               Exit For
            End If
         End If
      If j = lastrow2 Then Cells(i, 10).Value = False
    Next j
    Next i

 End Sub


  • This should work (I decided not to use worksheetfunction.vlookup):

    Sub MyVlookup2()
    Dim myrange As Range
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastrow2 As Long
    Dim diff As Double
    Const tolerance As Long = 100
    Set myrange = Range("D:G")
    lastrow = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    lastrow2 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lastrow
        For j = 2 To lastrow2
            If Cells(i, 2).Value = Cells(j, 4).Value Then
                diff = Cells(i, 1).Value + Cells(j, 7).Value
                If diff <= tolerance And diff >= -tolerance Then
                    Cells(i, 10).Value = Cells(j, 7).Value
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            If j = lastrow2 Then Cells(i, 10).Value = False
        Next j
    Next i
    End Sub

    Regarding the Option Explicit, you should check the checkmark in Tools > Options... and never bother about it again. The line will be always automatically included in every new module. enter image description here


    Since you updated your question, if you don't change the line If j = lastrow2 Then Cells(i, 10).Value = False, you will have blank values where a match is not found:

    enter image description here