I'm trying since a couple of days to read an entire file with Rainmeter.
I'm working with WebParser and RegExp.
My result is something like this:
If I make a RegExp like (?m).*
, I have only the first line. However, if I use something like (?m).*\n.*
, I have the two lines...
Fantastic, but sometimes, I just have 1 line and sometimes, I can have 5 lines. If I'm writing = (?m).*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*
and I have for example just 3 lines, Rainmeter doesn't get my lines.
Does anyone have a solution?
You need to use a singleline option to force the .
to match newline symbols:
As an alternative, you can add anchors matching at the beginning and end:
See demo
Unless you need to access some specific lines, you do not need the multiline flag that makes ^
and $
anchors match at the start/end of a line.