the scenario consists in 2 classes Operations and Places
these 2 classes are related as described below
storedAt : Date
type -> OperationType (Pointer)
place -> Places (Pointer)
Places {
title : String
type -> OperationType (Pointer)
location -> PFGeoPoint
what I would to do It's simply to retrieve the places near to user. For this I used:
func getNearPlaces(location: CLLocation){
if location.isZero() {
var placeQuery = PFQuery(className: "Places")
println("getNearPlaces location \(location)")
placeQuery.whereKey("location", nearGeoPoint: PFGeoPoint(location:location), withinKilometers: 2)
placeQuery.whereKey("type", equalTo: detailItem.type)
placeQuery.limit = 15
placeQuery.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects:[AnyObject]?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
if error != nil {
println("error: \(error)")
println("results: \(objects?.count)")
if let objs = objects as? [PFObject] {
println("casting to [PFObject] ok")
if let objs = objects as? [Places] {
println("casting to [Places] ok")
self.places = objs
where detailItem is a subclass of Operations
Now the point! If Operations class has NO place pointer column valorized on class for all rows all works fine.
results: Optional(3)
casting to [PFObject] ok
casting to [Places] ok
Next I assigned with one of [Places] value and I continue to use app. And all it's ok.
when I start again the app and is valorized, this is the output I have:
results: Optional(3)
casting to [PFObject] ok
casting to [Places] failed
could somebody explain me why? is it something relates di parse or swift? is there something I make wrong?
I add some detail more:
Accordingly with how is defined on Doc:
class Places:PFObject,PFSubclassing{
override class func initialize() {
struct Static {
static var onceToken : dispatch_once_t = 0;
dispatch_once(&Static.onceToken) {
static func parseClassName() -> String {
return "Places"
@NSManaged var title:String
@NSManaged var type:OperationsType
@NSManaged var location:PFGeoPoint
below the output of the objects retrieved from PFQuery described above:
[<Places: 0x7fb94dc9e9d0, objectId: yFDNHinajo, localId: (null)>
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7fb94d587ad0, latitude: 95.497511, longitude: 19.224867>";
title = tamoilled;
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7fb94844a2f0, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
<Places: 0x7fb94a84b2f0, objectId: zlh3CMVu0t, localId: (null)>
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7fb94dc63f20, latitude: 95.498064, longitude: 19.226219>";
title = "new Place";
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7fb94844a2f0, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
<Places: 0x7fb94dc9f8f0, objectId: ymY7SlA3Is, localId: (null)>
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7fb94dce4e70, latitude: 95.510635, longitude: 19.217392>";
title = "Agip 2";
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7fb94844a2f0, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
Parse iOS sdk 1.7.2, Xcode 6.3.1
on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
Parse.setApplicationId("...", clientKey:"...");
I replaced
println("results: \(objects?.count)")
if let objs = objects as? [PFObject] {
println("casting to [PFObjects] ok \(objs)" )
self.places = []
for result in objects! {
println("object \(result)")
if let place = result as? Places {
println("place ok")
and the result is that the Places object corresponding to is no casted to a Places even if It seems to be correct! (be focus on the first dictionary. it's not followed by 'place ok')
object <Places: 0x7ff5a0f64be0, objectId: yFDNHinajo, localId: (null)> {
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7ff5a312c720, latitude: 95.497511, longitude: 19.224867>";
title = tamoilled;
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7ff5a0edd520, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
object <Places: 0x7ff5a0fbcdc0, objectId: zlh3CMVu0t, localId: (null)> {
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7ff5a3121f30, latitude: 95.498064, longitude: 19.226219>";
title = "new Place";
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7ff5a0edd520, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
place ok
object <Places: 0x7ff5a3724320, objectId: ymY7SlA3Is, localId: (null)> {
location = "<PFGeoPoint: 0x7ff5a31b8450, latitude: 95.510635, longitude: 19.217392>";
title = "Agip 2";
type = "<OperationsType: 0x7ff5a0edd520, objectId: 2IPOWNo1lM>";
place ok
I tried to execute the same query on start app. no errors and cast works fine I have no more resources right now. I think it could be a bug coming from framework. Or something I don't know on my scenario (that should be very simple)
with the new Parse's update, they suggest to add explicit