I managed to successfully feed ffserver from ffmpeg. ffmpeg takes input as PIPE:
ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -f image2pipe -re -vcodec png -i - -vcodec libx264 http://localhost:8090/%s.ffm
External java process generates svg/png images and pushes to ffpmepg
My ffserver config allows me to buffer live feeds in ffm file without defining the size of the file.
My stream configuration looks like this:
<Stream live2.mjpg>
Feed feed2.ffm
Format mpjpeg
VideoFrameRate 25
VideoSize 640x880
VideoQMin 1
VideoQMax 5
Strict -1
The problem is that, despite that I can watch streams in VLC by opening network:
But I can not seek through already buffered movie. Is there a way to achieve seeking through movie, pausing, and resume playing from "now"? I have tried already rtsp with h264, mpg and sdp but without success:
<Stream test1.mpg/sdp/h264>
Format rtp
Feed feed2.ffm
VideoCodec libx264
VideoSize 640x880
VideoQMin 1
VideoQMax 5
Strict -1
VideoFrameRate 25
Is rtsp solution for this problem, or I need something else?
Can this be achieved from dynamic file since I am using PIPE?
RTSP support in ffserver
seems a bit sketchy, you could try Darwin Streaming Server or the Live555 media server. The two seem to support some forms of trick-play at least for VOD. Since you're using a pipe this won't probably help.
Some RTMP servers/clients support in-buffer seeking (Smart Seeking).
About Smart Seek
Adobe Media Server 3.5.3 and Flash Player 10.1 work together to support smart seeking in VOD streams and in live streams that have a buffer. [Source].
doesn't support RTMP output but you can use your ffmpeg
command to push your stream directly to the server:
ffmpeg -re -i <input> -f flv rtmp://...
There's a Nginx RTMP module and a C++ RTMP server although it's not very clear if they support smart seeking. VLC seems to be able to seek a bit while paused and there are usually options to modify the size of the client RTMP buffer.