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Monad type signature example

The type signature of (+) is:

    (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

I can see this in:

    + 4 5

Resulting in 9. + takes 4 and returns a function of roughly:

    (4 + a) -> a

...which then takes 5 and evaluates to 9. Basically, two things in, one thing out. I don't see how this works using the bind operator's type signature. To me, in practice, it always looks like one in, one out.

Could someone please walk me through a simple example using a Maybe monad the way I've done above for (+) ? Hopefully, this will be generally useful to Haskell newbie's like me!


  • Here is the type signature of bind:

        :: Monad m
        => m a         -- Left argument
        -> (a -> m b)  -- Right argument
        -> m b

    Here is an example of a bind with two arguments:

    Just 1 >>= (\n -> Just (n + 1))
    ^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Arg #1     Arg #2

    .. and it evaluates to Just 2