I'm trying to account for infinite dates in PostgreSQL in a way that corresponds with the infinite date values described in this question. However, I can't get the code to work quite right.
df <- data.frame(dates = c("2012-08-06", "2014-05-05", 'infinity', '-infinity',as.character(Sys.Date())))
convertime <- function(x){
time <- ifelse(
x == 'infinity',
as.POSIXct(Inf, origin="1970-01-01"),
x == '-infinity',
as.POSIXct(-Inf, origin="1970-01-01"),
df$time <- convertime(df$dates)
This gives the following error:
Error in as.POSIXlt.character(as.character(x), ...) :
character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Any ideas?
constructs each of its possible values, and it bugs out on as.POSIXct("infinity")
Instead, try
converttime <- function(x,o="1970-01-01",posinf="infinity",neginf="-infinity"){
xc <- x
xc[x%in%c(posinf,neginf)] <- NA
d <- as.POSIXct(xc, origin=o)
d[x==posinf] <- as.POSIXct(Inf, origin=o)
d[x==neginf] <- as.POSIXct(-Inf, origin=o)
d <- converttime(df$dates)
d[3] > d[4] # TRUE