I'm running boot2docker on Yosemite. I have no trouble creating containers and using them in boot2docker. I also can successfully connect via http to the docker daemon running in boot2docker's vm. However, when I create a container with Revel and start Revel up, I cannot connect to Revel's port 9000 from my browser.
I was following this approach: http://www.medding.me/blog/2014/09/06/setting-up-a-docker-environment-for-golang-development-part-1/
Here's the running Revel server:
INFO 2015/05/07 20:19:00 revel.go:329: Loaded module static
INFO 2015/05/07 20:19:00 revel.go:329: Loaded module testrunner
INFO 2015/05/07 20:19:00 revel.go:206: Initialized Revel v0.12.0 (2015-03-25) for >= go1.3
INFO 2015/05/07 20:19:00 run.go:57: Running revel3 (alexed1/revel3) in dev mode
INFO 2015/05/07 20:19:00 harness.go:165: Listening on :9000
When I connect to with a browser, I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I've tried a couple of different things:
As you can see, no port information shows up on the running container:
is not for "exposing" ports to the host, it's for interconnecting containers, see docs.
As mentioned from jm_____ you have to forward the port of the container to your boot2docker
host :
docker run -p 40001:9000 the/image/name
and then access it with:
or by finding the port with docker ps
as you tried already.
PS: There's no PORT
in a Dockerfile
, but you can specify this in a docker-compose.yml