I am setting up NelmioAlice and Faker in a Symfony2 project through AlixeFixturesBundle. I need a composed fixture like for example:
veeva_rep_id (unique): qlv_005800000067SwzAAE
which is a qlv_
prefix followed by a random 18 characters string. The best way I found to get this done (if anyone knows another one or a better way to get this done let me know) was using a custom faker and I wrote this piece of code:
* FakerProvider: VeevaProvider.
namespace PDI\PDOneBundle\DataFixtures;
use ReverseRegex\Lexer;
use ReverseRegex\Random\SimpleRandom;
use ReverseRegex\Parser;
use ReverseRegex\Generator\Scope;
class VeevaProvider extends \Faker\Provider\Base
public function veevaRepId()
$lexer = new Lexer('[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}');
$gen = new SimpleRandom(10007);
$result = '';
$parser = new Parser($lexer, new Scope(), new Scope());
$parser->parse()->getResult()->generate($result, $gen);
return 'qlv_' . $result;
As explain here in Faker docs. Now, here at NelmioAlice the author explain how to add Custom Faker Data Providers but it uses Doctrine Fixtures which I don't so, having this, how do I load and use the provider I wrote on the fixtures? Any advice around this?
It should be as simple as passing an instance of the provider into the Loader
when you construct it:
$loader = new Loader('en_US', [new VeeveProvider]);