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Where to place the Dandelion datatables configuration on Netbeans

I am working on a spring mvc project with a dandelion datatables plugin.

I am only able to use it's css/js when I have an internet connection.

What I want is to have a configuration file to set this plugin to standalone mode.

My project dirs is similar to this


  • The dandelion/datatables folder is supposed to be placed under the classpath root of your application.

    In a Maven project, you would have placed it at:

    |__ src
       |__ main
          |__ resources
             |__ dandelion
                |__ datatables

    Everything placed under the src/main/resources folder of your project will be copied under the WEB-INF/classes directory and then be read by Dandelion at runtime.

    You could do the same manually, but I strongly recommend to use any build tool such as Maven.