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mysql multiple grouping on one table

I have one table job_result

CREATE TABLE job_result  (
  node varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  jobId int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  subResult int(1) DEFAULT NULL

The table contains many nodes.

Each node has many jobId.

Each jobId has many subResults (usually less than 10).

Some example data provided

insert into job_result values ('A', 14, 0);
insert into job_result values ('A', 15, 0);
insert into job_result values ('A', 16, 1);
insert into job_result values ('A', 17, 0);
insert into job_result values ('A', 18, 1);
insert into job_result values ('A', 19, 1);
insert into job_result values ('A', 20, 0);

insert into job_result values ('B', 1, 0);
insert into job_result values ('B', 2, 0);
insert into job_result values ('B', 3, 1);
insert into job_result values ('B', 4, 1);
insert into job_result values ('B', 5, 1);
insert into job_result values ('B', 6, 1);
insert into job_result values ('B', 7, 1);

insert into job_result values ('C', 10, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 11, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 12, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 13, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 14, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 15, 0);
insert into job_result values ('C', 16, 0);

I want a query to give me a "health check" on each node to see if a node has had X consecutively failed jobs. A failed job is a jobId that have at least one non-zero result.

SELECT node, jobId, SUM(subResult) res
FROM job_result WHERE node = 'A' 
ORDER BY jobId desc 

This gives me the last 5 job's result on node A, where 0 indicates a good job.

| node | jobId   | res  |
| A    |   20    |   0  |
| A    |   19    |   1  |
| A    |   18    |   1  |
| A    |   17    |   0  |
| A    |   16    |   1  |

Then I need to sum and group the results into one row per node and I got this far:

SELECT node, SUM(I.res) res
(SELECT node, sum(subResult) res
FROM job_result WHERE node = 'A' 
ORDER BY jobId desc 

| node | res  |
| A    |  3   |

My question is: How can I expand this query to return one row per node? I have tried for several days with correlated sub queries and joins, but I always fail due to the inner select cannot see which node to select on. And when that is in place, I will work on changing LIMIT 5 to a dynamic value.

Desired result would be like

| node | res  |
| A    |  3   |
| B    |  0   |
| C    |  1   |
| E    |  0   |

One row for each node, with the right column showing number of fails

Please advise!


  • In MySQL, on a large table, the best approach to getting the last 5 is to use variables to enumerate the results. The rest is just aggregation:

    SELECT node, SUM(subr > 0) as numfails
    FROM (SELECT node, jobid, subr,
                 (@rn := if(@n = node, @rn + 1,
                            if(@n := node, 1, 1)
                 ) as rn
          FROM (SELECT node, jobid,
                       SUM(subresult) as subr
                FROM job_result jr
                GROUP BY node, jobid
               ) jr CROSS JOIN
               (SELECT @n := '', @rn := 0) init
          ORDER BY node, jobid desc
         ) nr
    WHERE rn <= 5
    GROUP BY node;