I have the following xml parsed into an XElement named entry.
<Age i:nil="true" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
When fetching the age property I write this:
var entry =
"<Person><Name>Ann</Name><Age i:nil=\"true\" xmlns:i=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" /></Person>");
var age = entry.Element("Age").Value;
age is now "", and I wonder if there is some kind of build in way to get a null instead of ""?
Most searches talk about if the entry isn't in the xml, but I always have the nulls filled out like this.
No, I don't believe there's anything for this, but it would be dead easy to write an extension method:
private static readonly XNamespace ns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
public static string NilAwareValue(this XElement element)
XAttribute nil = element.Attribute(ns + "nil");
return nil != null && (bool) nil ? null : element.Value;
Or using the nullable bool conversion:
public static string NilAwareValue(this XElement element)
return (bool?) element.Attribute(ns + "nil") ?? false ? null : element.Value;