I can transfer files from Unix system to my windows system using pscp.exe as below:
(I am doing this in VBScript).
Function vbsMsgBox ()
set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.Run "C:\Users\msiddiq1\New\PSCP.EXE -pw password username@host:/b_st/batchrepo/BS31GZI C:\Users\msiddiq1\New"
End Function
But I want to transfer all the files returned from the below find
command to my windows system:
find /b_st/batchrepo/BS31GZI -name "*900000007*" # It returns 6 filenames.
How can i merge this command to my above pscp command?.
I cannot create a new directory. Will i have to use a loop. Please suggest.
I just figured it out.
I tried this way:
Function vbsMsgBox ()
set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.Run "C:\Users\msiddiq1\New\PSCP.EXE -pw password username@host:/b_st/batchrepo/BS31GZI/*900000007* C:\Users\msiddiq1\New"
End Function
It worked just fine.
Source : http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter5.html