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Efficient way to fill 2d array in Python

I have 3 arrays: array "words" of pairs ["id": "word"] by the length 5000000, array "ids" of unique ids by the length 13000 and array "dict" of unique words (dictionary) by the length 500000. This is my code:

matrix = sparse.lil_matrix((len(ids), len(dict)))
for i in words:
    matrix[id.index(i['id']), dict.index(i['word'])] += 1.0

But it works too slow (I haven't got a matrix after 15 hours of work). Are there any ideas to optimize my code?


  • First of all don't name your array dict, it is confusing as well as hides the built-in type dict.

    The problem here is that you're doing everything in quadratic time, so convert your arrays dict and id to a dictionary first where each word or id point to its index.

    matrix = sparse.lil_matrix((len(ids), len(dict)))
    dict_from_dict = {word: ind for ind, word in enumerate(dict)}
    dict_from_id = {id: ind for ind, id in enumerate(id)}
    for i in words:
        matrix[dict_from_id[i['id']], dict_from_dict[i['word']] += 1.0