Fortunately, the standard callout view for an MKAnnotationView
meets our needs - title
, subtitle
, leftCalloutAccessoryView
, and rightCalloutAccessoryView
Unfortunately, we use custom fonts in our app, and would like to extend those custom fonts to these callouts.
MKAnnotationView provides no standard way to accomplish this.
How can I use a custom font in an MKAnnotation
's callout view?
If all you need is a custom font, you need to subclass MKAnnotationView
, but you don't have to recreate all the behavior that you get for free with a standard MKAnnotationView
. It's actually pretty easy.
is selected, the callout is added as a subview. Therefore, we can recursively loop through our subclass' subviews and find the UILabel
we wish to modify.The only drawback with this method is that you can see the callout adjust it's size if your font is smaller or larger than the standard system font it was expecting. It'd be great if all the adjustments were made before being presented to the user.
// elsewhere, in a category on UIView.
// thanks to this answer:
typedef void(^ViewBlock)(UIView *view, BOOL *stop);
@interface UIView (Helpers)
- (void)loopViewHierarchy:(ViewBlock)block;
@implementation UIView (Helpers)
- (void)loopViewHierarchy:(ViewBlock)block {
BOOL stop = false;
if (block) {
block(self, &stop);
if (!stop) {
for (UIView* subview in self.subviews) {
[subview loopViewHierarchy:block];
// then, in your MKAnnotationView subclass
@implementation CustomFontAnnotationView
- (void)layoutSubviews
// MKAnnotationViews only have subviews if they've been selected.
// short-circuit if there's nothing to loop over
if (!self.selected) {
[self loopViewHierarchy:^(UIView *view, BOOL *stop) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
*stop = true;
((UILabel *)view).font = {custom_font_name};
I inspected the view tree by first creating my MKAnnotationView
subclass and setting a breakpoint in my overridden -layoutSubviews
. In the debugger, I then issued po [self recursiveDescription]
. Make sure to turn the breakpoint off when your map first loads, because as mentioned up above, MKAnnotationView
s don't have any subviews until their selected. Before you make a selection, enable the breakpoint, tap your pin, break, and print out the view tree. You'll see a UILabel
at the very bottom of the tree.