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Can't install WatchKit app on Apple Watch

I have a WatchKit app that runs fine in the Simulator. But when I try to run it on an actual device it never finishes installing and never provides any error message or feedback.

The iOS app installs and runs fine. I bring up the Apple Watch app on the iPhone and it lists the app and shows the correct icon. Selecting that, the "Show App on Apple Watch" switch is on. Underneath it it says, "Installing...". And it stays there.

I can also see the app icon on the Apple Watch. Selecting it just shows the spinning wheel indicator as if it is trying to load.

Things I've tried based on other suggestions I've found here, on the Apple Developer forums, and around the web:

  • Verified that all app bundle IDs are correct and match.

  • Verified that the deployment target is iOS 8.2.

  • Verified that the WatchKit App runs in the simulator.

  • Verified that my provisioning profile includes my Apple Watch's UDID.

  • Verified that my Apple Watch shows up as a "Paired Watch" in Devices.

  • Deleted the app from my phone, and then rebooted my phone, watch, and Macbook before reinstalling.

None of the above work. Any suggestions?


Thomas Aylesworth


  • A friend who works on the USA Today iOS team, including the Apple Watch app, suggested I go to the project settings for the WatchKit App target and set "Skip Install" to NO. Sure enough, after doing this, I was able to install.