Search code examples

MySQL: WHERE IN() limited to one row peer argument

I've a MySQL table like this: id | reference_id | name

And I wish to get rows WHERE reference_id is IN a certain list of values: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE reference_id IN(2,3);

The problem is that the table will contain data like:

id | reference_id | name

1  | 1            | nameA
2  | 2            | nameB
3  | 2            | nameC
4  | 3            | nameD

And by running the query I'll get a result set like:

id | reference_id | name

2  | 2            | nameB
3  | 2            | nameC
4  | 3            | nameD

Is there a way I can tell MySQL to only return ONE value peer IN argument? Meaning, I would like a result set like:

id | reference_id | name

3  | 2            | nameC
4  | 3            | nameD



    SELECT `table1`.* 
    FROM `table1` 
    LEFT JOIN `table1` t
    ON `table1`.reference_id  = t.reference_id 
     AND `table1`.id<
    WHERE `table1`.reference_id IN(2,3)
    GROUP BY `table1`.reference_id