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Sort numbers by sum algorithm

I have a language-agnostic question about an algorithm.

This comes from a (probably simple) programming challenge I read. The problem is, I'm too stupid to figure it out, and curious enough that it is bugging me.

The goal is to sort a list of integers to ascending order by swapping the positions of numbers in the list. Each time you swap two numbers, you have to add their sum to a running total. The challenge is to produce the sorted list with the smallest possible running total. Examples:

3 2 1 - 4
1 8 9 7 6 - 41
8 4 5 3 2 7 - 34

Though you are free to just give the answer if you want, if you'd rather offer a "hint" in the right direction (if such a thing is possible), I would prefer that.


  • Only read the first two paragraph is you just want a hint. There is a an efficient solution to this (unless I made a mistake of course). First sort the list. Now we can write the original list as a list of products of disjoint cycles.

    For example 5,3,4,2,1 has two cycles, (5,1) and (3,4,2). The cycle can be thought of as starting at 3, 4 is in 3's spot, 2 is in 4's spot, and 4 is in 3's. spot. The end goal is 1,2,3,4,5 or (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), five disjoint cycles.

    If we switch two elements from different cycles, say 1 and 3 then we get: 5,1,4,2,3 and in cycle notation (1,5,3,4,2). The two cycles are joined into one cycle, this is the opposite of what we want to do.

    If we switch two elements from the same cycle, say 3 and 4 then we get: 5,4,3,2,1 in cycle notation (5,1)(2,4)(3). The one cycle is split into two smaller cycles. This gets us closer to the goal of all cycles of length 1. Notice that any switch of two elements in the same cycle splits the cycle into two cycles.

    If we can figure out the optimal algorithm for switching one cycle we can apply that for all cycles and get an optimal algorithm for the entire sort. One algorithm is to take the minimum element in the cycle and switch it with the the whose position it is in. So for (3,4,2) we would switch 2 with 4. This leaves us with a cycle of length 1 (the element just switched into the correct position) and a cycle of size one smaller than before. We can then apply the rule again. This algorithm switches the smallest element cycle length -1 times and every other element once.

    To transform a cycle of length n into cycles of length 1 takes n - 1 operations. Each element must be operated on at least once (think about each element to be sorted, it has to be moved to its correct position). The algorithm I proposed operates on each element once, which all algorithms must do, then every other operation was done on the minimal element. No algorithm can do better.

    This algorithm takes O(n log n) to sort then O(n) to mess with cycles. Solving one cycle takes O(cycle length), the total length of all cycles is n so cost of the cycle operations is O(n). The final run time is O(n log n).