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Is there a way to attach Ruby Net::HTTP request to a specific IP address / network interface?

Im looking a way to use different IP addresses for each GET request with standard Net::HTTP library. Server has 5 ip addresses and assuming that some API`s are blocking access when request limit per IP is reached. So, only way to do it - use another server. I cant find anything about it in ruby docs.

For example, curl allows you to attach it to specific ip address (in PHP):

$req = curl_init($url)
curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, '';
$result = curl_exec($req);

Is there any way to do it with Net::HTTP library? As alternative - CURB (ruby curl binding). But it will be the last thing i`ll try.

Suggestions / Ideas?

P.S. The solution with CURB (with dirty tests, ip`s being replaced):

require 'rubygems'
require 'curb'

ip_addresses = [

ip_addresses.each do |address|
  url = ''
  c =
  c.interface = address
  ip = c.body_str.scan(/<h2>My IP address is: ([\d\.]{1,})<\/h2>/).first
  puts "for #{address} got response: #{ip}"


  • Doesn't look like you can do it with Net:HTTP. Here's the source

    Line 644 is where the connection is opened

      s = timeout(@open_timeout) {, conn_port()) }

    The third and fourth arguments to are local_address and local_port, and since they're not specified, it's not possible. Looks like you'll have to go with curb.